Tsukuba Forum 2024

May 16th - 17th

Thank you for participating in Tsukuba Forum 2024

The Tsukuba Forum 2024, which was held on May 16th-17th, 2024, has ended with great success thanks to your cooperation, for which we would like to extend our sincere appreciation.

A lot of people came to visit the Forum, and the atmosphere seemed filled with their enthusiasm. We are confident that this event has encouraged increased collaboration between you and the NTT Group, and will help to further advance the implementation of access networks.

As members of the Forum Secretariat, we are determined to continue to make improvements for the next event of this type, especially with regard to any inconvenience that you may have experienced during the Forum. To help us with this, we would sincerely appreciate your candid opinions and suggestions.

Tsukuba Forum 2024 Secretariat


The on-demand streaming of the lectures ended on June 25. Thank you for watching.
The information about Exhibits has been updated.
Registration started.
The information about Exhibits and Hall map has been updated.
The information about Events[May 16th] and Events[May 17th] and Access has been updated.
Tsukuba Forum 2024 Official HP opened.

Events   May 16th

Events   May 17th